All pet owners will tell you that we have a special bond with our pet, a bond that can’t be broken no matter what. And I’m sure the author of HeyBuddy Comics will confirm this too. They’ve been writing short dialogues about their dog ever since she was just a puppy. The strong attachment I felt for a being with whom I could not communicate inspired me to imagine the conversations we would have if I could, said the author. Some time ago, the artist realized that a huge collection of things he wrote could entertain people. The only problem they faced was that they were boring to look at in text form. They needed to be revived so that they had the same energy and vigor as my real dog,” said the author. This is where illustrator K. came to the rescue. Together, they launched a series of adorable comics that every dog owner will love – check them out below!
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#11 I immediately hugged my buddy after reading this

#13 My dog, every time
#14 Woof Pack!
#15 Buddy’s logic is hard to argue
#16 pets lead to relationships
#17 Pawn to g4. Black pawn takes. Queen takes g4. Mate
#18 A buddy plush???
Dogs are more than just pets. They are our friends, comrades, mood enhancers, and fluffy hugs. Their openness and trust touch our souls. And all this is shown in the Hey Buddy comics, filled with tenderness and love.
#28 That reminds me of some short side storys from The iron Druid chronicles: oberon’s meaty mysteries. Its about a druid that can take to his Irish wolfhound Oberon telepathicly and thay solve some mysteries. The howl Iron druid chronicles are super good but those short stories are gold.