20 Funny Comics Will Help To Make Your Day Better And improve Your Mood. (20 New Comics) January 23

Dave Coverly admits that there is no such thing as a very important subject, a quick little philosophy that gives a detailed description of what Speed Bump is all about. “Basically,” he says, if life were like a movie, those would be the results. “speedbumpcomic” Cartoons sad, stingy, ironic, but funny. There are several topics n boring in Libearty comics. Especially those that need to be distinguished make fun of groups and them. There is already a lot of hatred in this world. The artist has an Instagram Create account and keeps your fans up to date with new and fun cartoons. the effort of the year finally paid off with the acquisition of 3 thousand Instagram followers. The number is still counting.


#1 Feels like it’s been an entire year of facing fears~

#2 I’m not a doctor but…


#3 so true. Also, my dog would snore so loudly people legit said “what is that? Is someone bulldozing near your house?

#4 This year, the holidays are all about staying home and playing board games. With your dog, if you’re lucky.



#6 Ozzy Osbourne’s booking agent goes for a bus ride.

#7 Google shut down their social apps. He must be hanging around with their Assistant these days.

#8 Can’t take any risk. We gots to eats as much as we can.


#9 When I get to the Pearly Gates they’ll see the name tag Californian and say “You’ve done your penance and time in hell. Let ’em in boys and set ’em up. This rounds on me.”

#10 Being drawn is not as bad as being quartered.

#11 Look – I think I see Patton! and there’s Eisenhower!















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