30 Hilarious Comics Will Help To Make Your Day Better (30 New Comics)

Mark’s hilarious humor refreshes what we see every day… from your favorite icons to your favorite trends, from advertising to pets and computers. Slightly biased and a bit deviant, Off the Mark wins over readers in their quest for laughter and noise. ranging from your favorite icons to your favorite trends, from ads to pets and computers. Slightly biased and a bit deviant, Off the Mark wins over readers in their quest for laughter and noise.


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#1 Love this

#2 At least they don’t need any brains to watch that screen.


#3 The glory days of 1960’s-1970’s gas pumps with custom-made grades.

#4 Despite the evolution, some things never change

#5 actually all the ACME products work just as they are supposed to the company is run by Road Runners


#6 low in fat, high in fiber and calcium.

#7 Now be careful as you tear us to bits…

#8 Don’t tie yourself in knots over it.


#9 They are having a Thriller of a date.

#10 SO many kids they managed to tie her up and make her eat all that candy……ok… still not buying it.

#11 He probably should check for other “add-ons” before he lets them out.


#12 Cats’ might get our tongue, but most of us end up with their fur.

#13 It may not look very attractive right now, but just give it a little while and see if you don’t find it a peelin’.

#14 Maximus levity ensued.


#15 They must both be Silly Party candidates.

#16 If I were him I’d be more curious as to why she’s always smiling…

#17 He wants a LapDog in return for that…

#18 I thought bats preferred hanging around to walking.














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