These Hilarious Comics Are Proof That Humor Is The Best Therapy (30 NEW COMICS)

Drawn by artist Dan Piraro, Bizarro is a one-page cartoon that has been published since 1985 and has been published in over 360 newspapers and magazines. One of the old school cartoonists, Piraro has evolved into online comics, a completely different game in which the competition is fierce and most artists struggle to earn even a rudimentary life with their craft. Piraro is a prolific .artists who strives to create new comics every day, 365 days a year. Living somewhere in Mexico with his beloved wife (whom he called “olive oil”), his view of the absurdity and meaninglessness of modern life is designed to make you think and laugh as well. According to his biography, his pearls on a panel were “a unique blend of surreal imagery, social commentary, and humorous pronunciation. In fact, if Salvador Dali, Harry Trudeau, and Oscar Wilde had illegitimate children, that child was Dan Piraro. Although he created thousands of comic strips on a variety of subjects and subjects, this list focuses solely on therapy


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Piraro is a prolific artist who strives to create new comics every day, 365 days a year. Living somewhere in Mexico with his beloved wife (whom he calls “olive oil”), his view of the absurdity and meaninglessness of modern life is designed to make you think and also laugh. According to his biography, his pearls on one panel are “a unique blend of surreal imagery, social commentary, and witty wordplay. Indeed, if Salvador Dali, Harry Trudeau, and Oscar Wilde had illegitimate children, that child would be Dan Piraro. Although he has created thousands of comic strips on a wide variety of topics and topics, this list is solely dedicated to therapy.

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