The Argyle Sweater offers an immersive, fun (and sometimes fun) look at the world you think you know. With a keen interest in exploring all aspects of uncertainty, Scott Hilburn’s production reflects his unique approach to history, everyday life, and myth. Pictures by the popular cartoonist The Argyle Sweater, called The Argyle Sweater Cartoons are sad, funny, hilarious, but funny. Argyle Comics has a fun theme. Especially those who need to be discriminated against, making fun of the group and themselves. There is a lot of hatred in this world already. The artist has Facebook. Create an account and your fans will have new funny cartoons. Last year’s efforts only paid off with 49,000 Facebook followers. The numbers are still counting.
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#1 There’s always someone who has to drag the conversation into the Gutter.
#2 “And we can add the Rust-Proof Coating for a very low price …”
#3 If you like hairy calves
#4 Good thing he didn’t get bunk beds for her.
#5 Only thing she’s good for is to spin you right round, like a record…
#6 Quick, someone calls a sturgeon! •The phony caviar is for fish who are into roe-playing games.
#7 Date Night at the Museum.
#8 For those who are weak on their mythology/ legends, Romulus & Remus were supposed to have been raised by wolves. My apologies to those who already know this, but a couple of the comments indicated a lack of knowledge in this area.
#9 He found it useless. Sure, it could comb the beach, but it couldn’t part the sea.
#10 He did a lot of “effect of fog” paintings.
#21 This reminds me of the commercial where the guy says playing cards with Kenny Rogers gets old fast, then they cut to a scene where Kenny is singing the gambler as he looks over his cards.